Monday, September 26, 2011

Final Results!

Congrats to Lacey and Dawn!

Lacey -152
Dawn- 107
Amy- 66
Melissa- 56
Angie- 53
Russ- 53
Tara- 51
Mitch- 39
Kim- 38
Also, props to Rhianon for stepping it up and getting 3rd place!
Although this has been a long 8 weeks, good job sticking it out.
Hopefully you were able to get fit and at least walk away with some different exercise ideas :)
It was great working out with you all, but I'm not gonna lie- happy to be done!
Till next time---

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 7 Results, Week 8 Challenges

We are down to the final week!!!!!!!!! (hear the collective sigh...or is that cheering I hear??)

Here are the results that I have so far:

Lacey -116
Dawn- 86
Amy- 51
Russ- 50

Melissa- 45
Angie- 41
Tara- 40
Mitch- 39
Kim- 38

(The peeps in bold have turned in their scores, I will give the rest of you till tomorrow, no probs)

As for the challenges this week, there is only one: Pick any of the challenges from the last 7 weeks BUT, you can pick as many of them as you want (as long as you get your minimum of 4 workouts in as well). For example, I could do the water challenge, the fruits and vegetables challenge, the no tv challenge, and the jumping jacks. That would be 4 bonus challenges totalling 8 bonus points, PLUS my 4 workout points. Get it? Have at it- go crazy- challenge yourself! :)

Last week.

You. Can. Do. It.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 6 Results, Week 7 Challanges

I am getting the sense that people are losing steam. Hang in there- only 2 more weeks to go! Remember the reason that you first joined the fit club to begin with :)

Week 6 Results:

Lacey -112
Dawn- 80
Amy- 44
Russ- 42
Angie- 41
Melissa- 41
Tara- 40
Kim- 38

Here are the challenges for this week:

Week #7 Fitness Challenge:

Do 1000 Jumping Jacks (cumulative total throughout the week- must be done in increments of 100)


10 Jumping Jacks
10 Push Ups
9 Jumping Jacks
9 Push Ups
8 Jumping Jacks
8 Push Ups
7 Jumping Jacks
7 Push Ups
6 Jumping Jacks
6 Push Ups
5 Jumping Jacks
5 Push Ups
4 Jumping Jacks
4 Push Ups
3 Jumping Jacks
3 Push Ups
2 Jumping Jacks
2 Push Ups
1 Jumping Jack
1 Push Up

Complete the above workout 3 times this week.

Week #7 Mind & Body Challenge:

Try a new fruit or vegetable that you have NEVER tried before.


Research says that most adults need about 8 hours of sleep a night. If you can achieve this each night this week, you get your 2 bonus points  If you typically do not/ are not able to sleep that long, at least commit to resting (in bed) that long.

Fitness Challenge Reminders…
• Challenges are optional.
• Challenges are to be used in addition to your 4 exercise sessions.
• You may only count one Fitness Challenge and one Mind & Body Challenge toward your points (for a maximum total of 4 bonus points). Feel free to do all of the challenges, though!
• Each challenge is worth 2 bonus points. You can only early a maximum of 4 bonus points each week.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Week 5 results, Week 6 challenges

Once again, nice job to all. Keep up the good work everyone. I realize (oh boy do I realize) that it is getting harder and harder to find the motivation to keep going with "this fricken fit club" (ya, that's how I feel about it, in a nutshell), but we are only a few weeks away from completion! Yay? I mean, YAY! :)

Here are the results:

Lacey -99
Dawn- 76
Russ- 42
Kim- 38
Angie- 37
Melissa- 34
Amy- 34
Tara- 33

Here are this week's challenges:

Week #6 Fitness Challenge:

Increase two of your four workouts from 30min to 60min this week.


Go for a 15 min jog twice this week.

Week #6 Mind & Body Challenge:

Drink 64oz water every day this week.


Eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables EVERYDAY this week. According to Weight Watchers, serving sizes are 1 cup of leafy greens and ½ cup for all other vegetables and fruits. The lettuce alone in a large salad may well count for 2 or more vegetable servings.

Fitness Challenge Reminders…
• Challenges are optional.
• Challenges are to be used in addition to your 4 exercise sessions.
• You may only count one Fitness Challenge and one Mind & Body Challenge toward your points (for a maximum total of 4 bonus points). Feel free to do all of the challenges, though!
• Each challenge is worth 2 bonus points. You can only early a maximum of 4 bonus points each week.
(Yes, I realize some of the mind and body challenges are repeats, but they are good ones to there). :)