Sunday, August 14, 2011

Results, week 2 + Week 3 Challenges!

Wow! I am very impressed as to how well many of you are doing on your workouts! Also, great job on the challenges!

Last week we discussed the possibility of adding on an "endurance challenge" for extra points, but I think we are going to just keep things the way they are (it seemed to be a bit to confusing). However, please don't let that keep you from pushing yourself to continue on your favorite challenges.

On a side note, I realize that on your fit club log it says "total" under the column for minutes- however, it would help me if you just put a total points number there instead. Thanks! :)

Okay, the results first. These are a cumulative total of your points thus far:

Dawn- 42
Lacey- 35
Ben- 31
Russ- 22
Kim- 17
Melissa- 17
Amy- 15
Angie- 14
Tara- 13
Tarrah- 12
Mary- 10
Mitch- 7
Rhianon- 5
Rachel- 5
Kelly- 4

Keep it up everyone!!!

Here are this week's challenges. As it was last week (and will likely be for the remainder of the competition), Sundays are considered "free" days for challenges.

Week #3 Fitness Challenge:

It’s summertime so find a lake, river, pool, whatever, and exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes. You can swim laps, tread water, canoe, kayak, walk along the sandy beach, etc.! Please feel free to share with each other on the Fit Club Blog what your summer activities are!


Do 400 jumping jacks this week. You can spread them out however you like, but keep in mind that the greatest benefit is achieved when you push yourself!

Week #3 Mind & Body Challenge:

Eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables EVERYDAY this week. According to Weight Watchers, serving sizes are 1 cup of leafy greens and ½ cup for all other vegetables and fruits. The lettuce alone in a large salad may well count for 2 or more vegetable servings.


Watch the movie "Supersize Me" and discuss with us (on the blog comments) the effects of fast food on our health. In addition, avoid fast food this week.

Fitness Challenge Reminders…

*Challenges are optional.
* Challenges are to be used in addition to your 4 exercise sessions.
* You may only count one Fitness Challenge and one Health Challenge toward your points (for a maximum total of 4 bonus points). Feel free to do all of the challenges, though!
*Each challenge is worth 2 bonus points. You can only early a maximum of 4 bonus points each week.


  1. Amy,
    Was wondering if you could tell us what the pot's total was at as of today? Thanks for all you do! :)

    Lacey :)

  2. Just had a carrot juice, spinach, strawberry, flax seed smoothie. Um...yum?? Not so much!

  3. This week is not looking good for me. Terrible head cold and a teething baby! Good thing I have fit club to at least motivate me to get out for some walks. Dawn, I don't know you, but I think you must be crazy! Are you working out 3 times per day? I'm envious of where you find the time! (-:

  4. It's all about to end with school starting soon. I need to get off the treadmill and into my classroom! (although today, I decided to get a pedicure instead of working out or going into my classroom:)

  5. Hi all,

    Is anyone choosing the Supersize Me challenge? I did. I watched this movie several years ago, too. After seeing it the first time, I never forgot the part where he puts McDonalds fries and a burger in a jar and just waits to see if it rots and breaksdown and neither really do! Um, that isn't food and I cannot imagine all the ways in which it is terrible for our bodies. I haven't had a McDonalds burger since that time, yuck. Have others chosen to watch this movie this week either for the first time or again as the challenge? :)

    And, for those doing the veggie challenge...I just read a great and simple recipe that we tried last night that was great. Cut a yellow squash or zucchini in half lengthwise, brush the cut part lightly with olive oil, sprinkle with seasonings (I used garlic powder, black pepper, and dried basil) and my husband sprinkled some parmesean cheese on his, then bake at 350 for about 20 minutes. Yummy...we each ate a whole half of the squash (~2 cups) and loved it. :)


  6. While all of you sleep, i'm exercising like a crazy person! :)

  7. You are crazy! This was my last week going at it full force. I'm hoping not to drop out with school starting again. Of course, now that Amy's job is to exercise for a living, she'll probably whoop us all!

  8. I did the Supersize me challenge with also not eating out at all this week! The hardest part of not eating out for me is when I am driving somewhere and it happens to be around lunch or dinner time. It's so quick and easy to swing through mcd's or burger king just because it'
    s convenient (for time, definitely not convenient for my body). Because I have struggled with this, I literally could not drive much this week so then I didn't fail the challenge. Since I didn't eat out this week, I have felt much better and I now can tell myself that I can pack a lunch for in the car, I DON'T need any fast food and going out to eat should be on a nice date at a sit down restaurant with my husband. I'm not waisting my calories per day anymore on a greasy nasty fry from mcdonalds anymore!
    I had watched the movie Supersize Me before but apparently had forgotten all the nasty statistics of fast food. The fact that the fries in the jar after 10 weeks had absolutely NO MOLD on them grossed me out. And when he was puking out his car because he instantly felt sick after eating mcdonalds, it was too hard to watch. Now if I feel like "swinging through the drive-thru", I'm going to think of how sick he got and how many calories fast food really is. I'm disgusted in thinking about how much my family and I have gone through drive thrus even in the past year. NO MORE FAST FOOD!
    Thanks for this challenge, it was a HUGE eye opener! :)

