Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 4 results, week 5 challenges!

Great job everyone! I enjoyed reading some of the recipes that a couple of you posted this past week. If you all haven't seen them, be sure to check the comments section for some "healthy" recipes :)

Here are this week's results:

Lacey -82
Dawn- 73
Russ- 36
Angie- 31
Kim- 29
Tara- 27
Melissa- 26
Amy- 26
Tarrah-19 *

Ben and Tarrah are out of town and will get their points in as soon as possible, so I will update their scores when I receive them.

Here are the challenges for this week:

Week #5 Fitness Challenge:

Exercise by playing a sport! This must be a new sport that you are not already involved in. For example, if you have been playing tennis for your regular points each week, for this week, try a game of softball or something else. Your activity must be at least 30 minutes long. If you are unsure as to whether or not your activity qualifies as a sport, leave a comment and ask the group.


Do 30 sit-ups/crunches twice a day this week.

Week #5 Mind & Body Challenge:

Cut out “empty calorie” drinks for the entire week. This includes pop and other sugary drinks (kool aid, energy drinks, etc). Drink water, milk, or 100% juice instead.


1. go to
2. scroll down to “habitracker” on left hand side
3. create login
4. in “log my section” enter food for each day and exercise for each day
5. click on view my energy balance
6. save 3 energy balance reports and send to you .

Fitness Challenge Reminders…
• Challenges are optional.
• Challenges are to be used in addition to your 4 exercise sessions.
• You may only count one Fitness Challenge and one Mind & Body Challenge toward your points (for a maximum total of 4 bonus points). Feel free to do all of the challenges, though!
• Each challenge is worth 2 bonus points. You can only early a maximum of 4 bonus points each week.

Have fun!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 3 results, week 4 challenges

Great job, once again. It proved to be a difficult week for many of us (except for Dawn and Lacey! Sheesh!), however, it is important to remember that the purpose of this club is to inspire and push each of us to work out, and even though our weeks were crazy and busy, we all managed to find time to work out- even if it was just a little, so good job!!

It was also fun to read your comments on Super Size me. Also, good job to those of you who were able to get out and enjoy the water bonus challenge as well. We were able to go on a canoe trip on a beautiful evening- pretty much the best bonus points I have earned so far :)

Speaking of earning points, I didn't think I would have to talk to you all about this, but as the official boss of fit club, I will not allow SEX (yes, I said sex), to be counted as a workout point. Sorry to those of you who have tried to submit those points, but it just weirds me out to see when you had sex and for how long. NOT in my job description, lol! :) Ya, I am blushing.

Okay, here are the results:

Dawn- 67
Lacey -59
Russ- 28
Kim- 25
Melissa- 22
Angie- 22
Amy- 21
Tara- 19

Week #4 Fitness Challenge:

Walk an additional 30 minutes every day this week.


On Monday, Wednesday and Friday (or Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday – it’s important to alternate days when strength training), do 1 – 2 sets (12 reps each) of strength training for your upper body, lower body, and core. Follow the detailed plan below. If you choose to use your own equipment, make sure you’re hitting all/most of the muscle groups.

Week #4 Mind & Body Challenge:

Find and try 2 brand new healthy recipes this week. Rate them and share them with us here on the blog..


Turn off the TV!!! Don’t watch any TV this week! (this includes watching the programs on the internet). Missing the news? Read the newspaper.

Fitness Challenge Reminders…
· Challenges are optional.
· Challenges are to be used in addition to your 4 exercise sessions.
· You may only count one Fitness Challenge and one Mind & Body Challenge toward your points (for a maximum total of 4 bonus points). Feel free to do all of the challenges, though!
· Each challenge is worth 2 bonus points. You can only early a maximum of 4 bonus points each week.

Detailed Strength Training Exercises:

Upper Body

Bent Over Rows:
Stand with legs shoulder-width apart and back straight. Slightly bend at the knees and waist so that you are leaning forward approximately 45 degrees with arms extended toward the floor. Exhale while pulling your arms back and hands up toward your stomach, keeping elbows close to your body; inhale as you return your arms to the starting position. Add dumbbells when you are comfortable with the motion.

Lie face-down on a mat. Exhale while raising your arms straight out and up and lifting your shoulders and ankles off the ground. You will feel your lower back and hip muscles flexing. Inhale as you lower your arms and feet back to the starting position.

Basic Dumbbell Curls:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand at waist level, with your palms facing forward. Exhale and curl the weight upward, keeping your elbows close to your side. Inhale as you return your arms to the starting position.

Rear Triceps Extension:
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, and bend at the knees and waist so you're leaning forward at a 45-degree angle. Make a fist and bend your arm to bring your hand up to chest level. Keep your elbow and upper arm stationary while bringing your hand down and extending it behind you, exhaling as you go. Inhale while pivoting your arm back to the starting position.

Front Arm Raises:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make fists with your hands and raise your arms straight out in front of you until they reach shoulder height, exhaling as you go. Inhale as you lower your arms back to the starting position.

Lower Body

Stand with both feet together. Inhale and step forward into lunge position, keeping the knee of your front leg centered over top of the ankle. Drop your rear knee straight down to the ground. Return to the starting position by straightening your back leg and pushing up from the heel of your front foot, exhaling as you go. Repeat with other leg.

Basic Squats:
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Inhale and slowly bend at the knees and hips until your rear end is at chair level, keeping your head up and back straight, while raising your arms to shoulder level. Return to the starting position, exhaling as you go.

Dumbbell Leg Extensions:
Sit in a chair and place a dumbbell between your feet. Lean back and hold the edge of the seat for support. Exhale and straighten your legs at the knees to lift the weight. Inhale as you lower your legs to the starting position.

Core Body

Side Abs Stretch:
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Lift your arms overhead and clasp your hands together. Gently lean to the side until you feel a slight pull in the oblique (side abdominals) muscles. Hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds each side, breathing normally.

Cross-Armed Crunches:
Lie back on a mat with your knees bent and cross your arms across your chest. Crunch forward by pushing your lower back into the mat and squeezing your abdominal muscles, exhaling as you go; your chin should push in toward your chest and your shoulders should lift several inches off the mat. Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Post Workout Stretches

Knee Pulls:
Lie on your back on a mat and raise your knees toward your chest. Grasp your knees with your hands and gently pull them toward your chest. Hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds, breathing normally.

Chest Expansion:
Stand with your hands clasped behind your back and gently lift them up and back as far as possible. Hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds, breathing normally

Cross-Body Triceps Stretch:
Stand with feet slightly apart and hold one arm straight out in front of you at shoulder level. Grasp the elbow with your opposite hand and gently pull your arm towards your chest. Hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds, breathing normally. Repeat on the other side.

Front Bicep Stretch:
Extend one arm straight out at shoulder level, with palm facing up. Use your other hand to pull down on the fingers of the extended arm. Hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds, breathing normally.

Butterfly Stretch:
Sit on a mat with the heels of your feet pressed together, letting your knees drop to the side as far as is comfortable. Rest your hands on your ankles and gently lean forward. Hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds, breathing normally.

Figure 4 Stretch:
Lie on your back on a mat with the ankle of one leg across the knee of the other leg. Gently pull the back of the thigh toward your body, holding the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds. Breathe normally throughout the stretch.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Results, week 2 + Week 3 Challenges!

Wow! I am very impressed as to how well many of you are doing on your workouts! Also, great job on the challenges!

Last week we discussed the possibility of adding on an "endurance challenge" for extra points, but I think we are going to just keep things the way they are (it seemed to be a bit to confusing). However, please don't let that keep you from pushing yourself to continue on your favorite challenges.

On a side note, I realize that on your fit club log it says "total" under the column for minutes- however, it would help me if you just put a total points number there instead. Thanks! :)

Okay, the results first. These are a cumulative total of your points thus far:

Dawn- 42
Lacey- 35
Ben- 31
Russ- 22
Kim- 17
Melissa- 17
Amy- 15
Angie- 14
Tara- 13
Tarrah- 12
Mary- 10
Mitch- 7
Rhianon- 5
Rachel- 5
Kelly- 4

Keep it up everyone!!!

Here are this week's challenges. As it was last week (and will likely be for the remainder of the competition), Sundays are considered "free" days for challenges.

Week #3 Fitness Challenge:

It’s summertime so find a lake, river, pool, whatever, and exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes. You can swim laps, tread water, canoe, kayak, walk along the sandy beach, etc.! Please feel free to share with each other on the Fit Club Blog what your summer activities are!


Do 400 jumping jacks this week. You can spread them out however you like, but keep in mind that the greatest benefit is achieved when you push yourself!

Week #3 Mind & Body Challenge:

Eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables EVERYDAY this week. According to Weight Watchers, serving sizes are 1 cup of leafy greens and ½ cup for all other vegetables and fruits. The lettuce alone in a large salad may well count for 2 or more vegetable servings.


Watch the movie "Supersize Me" and discuss with us (on the blog comments) the effects of fast food on our health. In addition, avoid fast food this week.

Fitness Challenge Reminders…

*Challenges are optional.
* Challenges are to be used in addition to your 4 exercise sessions.
* You may only count one Fitness Challenge and one Health Challenge toward your points (for a maximum total of 4 bonus points). Feel free to do all of the challenges, though!
*Each challenge is worth 2 bonus points. You can only early a maximum of 4 bonus points each week.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Results, Week 1

First off, I would like to say, GREAT JOB to all of you!!

Second, to those of you who will feel defeated after seeing the results (myself included), hang in there! Those "power players" (you know who you are, ahem), will give us something to push towards. And fear not, for the challenges begin this week!

There will be 2 seperate challenges: 1 fitness challenge, 1 mind and body challenge, for a total of 4 bonus points each week.

Week #2 Fitness Challenge:

Climb to the 2nd summit of the Eiffel Tower! That’s 674 steps, or about 97 steps EVERY day of the week. There are some great buildings downtown that have plenty of steps to climb, like the Eberhard Center and the Amway Grand Hotel (for those of you who are in the greater Grand Rapids area). *I got this info from a web site, so hopefully it’s right – there are a total of 1665 steps to the top of the Tower, but that’s like 237 steps every day, which seems a little unrealistic. Plus, if we ever visit the Eiffel Tower, we could really only climb to the 2nd summit, anyway. BUT… If you can honestly do the 1665, mark it on your log and I’ll give you an extra bonus point! ;)


Rent or Buy a new exercise DVD this week. Use it at least 3 separate days. (If you liked the exercises, share the name of the DVD on your Fit Club Log!) Does floor aerobics bore you? Check out a dance aerobics or a dance instruction video instead!

Week #2 Mind & Body Challenge:

Stop eating after 7 p.m., unless you are enjoying a healthy fruit or vegetable snack of course


Read 5 new health articles online or in a health magazine this week. Record the title, author, and source on your Fit Club Log so that we can share readings! (If you do your reading online, type the web address of the article as the source, that way we can easily read the article.)

Fitness Challenge Reminders…
• Challenges are optional.
• Challenges are to be used in addition to your 4 exercise sessions.
• You may only count one Fitness Challenge and one Health Challenge toward your points (for a maximum total of 4 bonus points). Feel free to do all of the challenges, though!
• Each challenge is worth 2 bonus points. You can only early a maximum of 4 bonus points each week.
Okay, so now the results you have all been waiting for (drum roll please.....):
In order of most points to the least:
Dawn- 21
Tara- 8
Kim- 8
Amy- 8
Angie- 7
Mitch- 7
Melissa- 6
Mary- 5
Rhianon- 5
Kelly- 4
Tarrah- 4
Rachel- 4
Lori- ?
Go ahead and get started on week 2 (if you haven't already)! Please feel free to comment back and forth on this blog to each other (and share your workout videos and articles!).

First Rule

The first rule of fit club is... never talk about fit club